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MY DNA Appointments

Are you interested in learning more about nutrigenomic support or how to use the MY DNA report to best support your patients and practice? Learn about our MY DNA appointments and request an appointment below!

We offer two types of appointments: Practice Building, and Nutrigenomic Counseling. Please carefully read the descriptions of both and select the appointment that is most appropriate for your needs. In order to offer equal scheduling opportunity, these appointments are intended to be limited to one of each appointment type (one Practice Building Appointment and one Nutrigenomic Counseling appointment) per clinician.

Practice Building

This type of appointment is geared towards learning the features of the MY DNA report, how to implement it into your practice model, and other resources available to you to achieve successful outcomes.

Appointment Length: 30 Minutes
Appointment Cost: $75.00

This 30-minute appointment is scheduled with one of our MY DNA report developers. You will also receive documentation that includes what was covered in your appointment for future reference.

The Practice Building appointment will cover the following topics:

  1. An overview of the MY DNA report including terminology, navigation of the website, and key features of the report.
  2. How to use the high priority traits to identify areas of focus for patients.
  3. How to receive and/or create product recommendations and build protocols based on genetic insights and patient concerns.
  4. An explanation of where to find the website resources for MY DNA and what these resources offer.

PLEASE NOTE: This type of session does NOT cover specific genes or their health impact, we will be using a sample report in this type of appointment.

Nutrigenomic Counseling

This type of appointment is geared towards learning the mechanisms behind how genes impact health and how to manage this with supplements, diet, and lifestyle.

Appointment Length: 60 Minutes
Appointment Cost: $150.00

This 60-minute appointment is scheduled with one of our geneticists. You will also receive documentation that includes what was covered in your appointment for future reference.

The Nutrigenomic Counseling appointment will include the following:

  1. You will receive an explanation of specific genes found in the MY DNA report and how they impact health.
  2. You will then get an explanation of how those genes may be managed with supplements, diet, and lifestyle.

You will have the option of discussing common high impact genes such as APOE, COMT, CYP, SLC, MTHFR, GST, HLA, and IL, or of choosing other genes you would like to discuss during your appointment. A maximum of 8 genes total can be discussed during a 60-minute appointment.

Should you choose to specify which genes you’d like to cover and fewer than 8 genes are specified, any remaining time during the appointment will be spent discussing genes from the common high impact genes list provided above.

Need more information?

If you have additional questions about the types of MY DNA appointments available, or are unsure which option best fulfill your needs, please contact your Sales Representative. Otherwise, continue to the form below to request your Practice Building or Nutrigenomics Counseling appointment.

Request An Appointment

To request a consultation appointment, you must first sign in.