Fiber plays a vital role in supporting a healthy Gut-Brain connection.
Because both the brain and the gut are constantly communicating through the central nervous system, it’s important for the neurotransmitters, which make this communication possible, to be properly nourished.
One of the best ways to provide this targeted nourishment is with the proper high fibers. Our research has lead us to a specialized group of high fiber sources such as:
- Quinoa Sprout: Beneficial because it provides both soluble and insoluble fibers, along with the 9 essential amino acids.
- Buckwheat Sprout: Rich in minerals such as iron, zinc, and phosphorous. It also contains lots of beneficial flavonoids, such as rutin.
- Fenugreek Sprout: A natural way to support glucose balance and overall gastrointestinal support.
Each one of these fibers helps support intestinal health. They’re a great way to replenish the body and to help make sure Gut-Brain communication is performing properly.
Gut-Brain communication is facilitated through hormones and the immune system. It takes place at the cellular level, so targeted nourishment is essential.
The Role Of The Microbiome
The microbiome can release neurotransmitters which help facilitate Gut-Brain communication. When Gut-Brain communication is unimpeded and works well, it can help support gastrointestinal homeostasis and provide protection against inflammation.
Digestion can be improved, and overall intestinal health can be supported. As we learn more about the Gut-Brain connection, we are also finding connections to cognitive function, such as motivation, intuition, and decision making.