Foundational Adrenal Protocol
Ga Adrenal
How: 1 cap twice daily
Why: Adrenal tissue support, balance factors for medulla and cortex.
How: 1 capsule twice daily
Why: Vitamin D3 and synergists for the myriad receptors.
How: 1 capsule twice daily
Why: Methylation support, required to turn off the stress response.
How: 1 capsule twice daily
Why: Mitochondrial biogenesis and adrenal repair; mitochondrial dysfunction linked to adrenal dysfunction.
Order Protocol
The Foundational Adrenal Protocol consists of the following:
Ga Adrenal, Qty: 1
ImmuneGenic, Qty: 1
MethylGenic, Qty: 1
EnerGenic, Qty: 1
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